Friday, January 24, 2014

Genius Idea: Frozen Yogurt + Hot Cereal

So here's a random blog post for you. I was driving home from work and I passed by my local frozen yogurt (or 'FroYo' for those who don't have time to speak or type full words) place and I got to wondering: what do they do in the winter time? I should probably clarify that I live in the northeast of USA where winter = lots of snow. And lots of snow = low demand for frozen yogurt.

So what, do they just close up for the winter and cut their losses? I know there are a number of seasonal businesses but that seems kind of crazy to me. And that got me thinking, what could they sell in the winter time so that they could stay open? Then it hit me: Hot cereal (or porridge or oatmeal or whatever you want to call it).

I stole this picture from Panera.

The Perfect Pair, 
Together at Last

I know it might sound weird at first but stay with me for a minute here. Most frozen yogurt places are set up so that they have a little topping buffet area with fresh fruit, granola, nuts, etc. What would go great on a hot bowl of cereal? Fresh fruit, granola, nuts, and etc!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Beautiful Things Don't Ask For Attention (Including Slam Poem - Designed)

I want to start this post off with two doses of honesty. 1: I love technology: computers, movies, video games, all that great stuff. 2: I spend too much time sitting in front of screens. It's slightly ironic that a film, in part, opened my eyes to this but that's beside the point. The movie I'm talking about is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. If you haven't seen it yet, go now before it's completely out of theaters and turns all 'ghost cat' for a few months during that in-between the silver-screen and home screen period.

Yes, the film has been called heavy-handed on the 'go live your life' mantra, and it is a bit on the formulaic side, but it more than makes up for both of these so-called 'issues' with it's genuine, inspiring heart and soul, as well as its beautiful cinematography and score/soundtrack.

Interestingly enough, before I even went to go see the film I had been ruminating on the idea of the inherent beauty in this world, and how we often miss it because we're so busy texting and computing and worrying about what we have to do next. The awakening, or renaissance (just because I love that word), came about when I started my car a few months ago and looked up to see that my windshield was covered in the most beautiful design of frost and snowflakes. It looked like someone had taken a spirograph and mathematically calculated out a design entirely unique and specific to my ol' Trailblazer's windshield.

This was a few days before I heard the news that Paul Walker had died. Scanning through some of the articles that were posted in the aftermath, I found two beautiful quotes from the much-loved celebrity, humanitarian, and generally all-around nice guy:

Monday, January 20, 2014

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember When I Used to Have a Blog That One Time?

It's funny how the best of intentions mean nothing if you don't follow through. You know how people always say "well it's the thought that counts"? I don't think that's right. I think it's the following through with that thought that counts. Are you picking up on the hypocriticism... hypocriticality... hypocriticalness... the fact that I'm being hypocritical here? If not, take a moment to see the date of my last post. I'll wait.

Okay, are you back? Good. Yeah, I feel like a blogger that posts every two and a half years is probably not going to get very many people to read his or her work. Either that or the uber-elusive nature and low-to-non-existent frequency is so tantalizing that this very post will receive thousands of views because of the incredible anticipation (that's my understanding of supply and demand, anyway) I've kept my fanbase waiting in. What is the minimum number of fans required to call it a 'fanbase' anyway?

Okay, so before I lose you with my ramblings - but really that's why you came, right? - this is all to say that I intend to start blogging again. (Please hold your applause until the end of the post). So expect more writing snippets, rambling thoughts, slam poems, movie/game/book/music talk and reviews, and of course general shenanigans and I'll do my best not to disappoint you.

Before you move on to the newer posts with actual writing content in them, though, I thought perhaps I should give a brief update of what I've been up to in those past two and a half years. And so as not to bore you (further), I'll do it in semi-Seussical rhyme.

When last we left off,
With the fellow named Gentry,
He'd written about games,
For his final blog entry.