The Top 22 Films of 2010
22: Unstoppable
In 2010 Unstoppable did something that I haven't seen in a long time - it was a straight-up action/popcorn movie without CGI, aliens, superheroes, or whathaveyou... just Denzel, Chris Pine, and a train. Furthermore, it managed to be incredibly entertaining and well done.
What did I just say about CGI and aliens? Oops. Call it cliched or even silly but there's really no denying that Predators is just plain fun. Not to mention Adrien Brody and Topher Grace are great in unusual roles for both of them.
As far as post-apocalyptic futures go, The Book of Eli is certainly an entertaining one. I think what really catches me on this one (apart from the plot) is the ambiance and mood set by the film. Though the music does wear on you it seems incredibly fitting none-the-less.
There really is no replacement for Pat Morita when it comes to the Karate Kid. This is why I was glad to see that the film wasn't a straight-up remake but took a slightly different approach on the formula. Lil' Smith and Chan have great chemistry and the spot-on cinematography and location help keep the film rolling.
If this list was on the opening thirty minutes of the film the Other Guys could very well be at the top. However, though it is a completely ridiculous and entertaining Ferrell film, it meanders in several spots. Still, some great lines here and seeing Wahlberg yell at Ferrell (or vice-versa) is always good for a laugh.
There really isn't too much I have to say about this one. Jay Baruchel's voice-work pretty much makes an already fun and clever film into a sheer blast.
It's no surprise to those who know me that I'm a sucker for a film based on a graphic novel. There's just something about the general mood and action that is almost instantly recognizable as an adaptation. What I really enjoyed about The Losers though was the fantastic cast.
Prince of Persia should get a flippin' medal just for being a game to movie adaptation that doesn't suck. When they cast Jake Gyllenhaal as the prince I had given up pretty much all hope for the film. I'm glad to say I was proven wrong.
I'm not normally a huge fan of horror-type films but I have to say that I really enjoyed The Crazies. Pretty much any movie with Timothy Olyphant as a sheriff is a winner in my books.
I really have no idea how David Yates and the cast of Harry Potter can make me laugh during such a gloomy, terrifying, and haunting film but I definitely approve of it. Radcliffe, Grint, and Watson have fully hit their strides as the iconic characters and despite the film's plot really being a glorified camping trip it managed to still be very entertaining. I do miss Hogwarts though.
Tron: Legacy really surprised me. After watching the original 80s version and seeing the previews I was expecting my eyes to bug out of my head after a few minutes of all the glowing and blinking lights (now in 3D!). However, the special effects were done brilliantly and the plot, acting, and directing all culminate into an exciting journey back into the computer. Also, CGI-young-Jeff Bridges is a very creepy bad guy.
The difficult thing about having a film as incredible as Iron Man is that fans will crave a sequel and it won't be as good as the first. Despite this unfortunate truth, Iron Man 2 manages to still be pretty dang great thanks to another incredible performance by Downey Jr. as well as brilliant performances from Rourke and Rockwell. The main thing that really turned me off about the film is how it felt like they were trying too hard to tie in the upcoming Avengers movie.
Speaking of 80s movies, Easy A is the first 21st century film I've seen in a long time to nail the general feel and mood of one. The movie is clever, funny, and an obvious ode to John Hughes. In other words - it's really good.
It may have been badgered by the critics but I say in a sea of ridiculous-stupid-fun action movies released this year The A-Team is by far one of the most ridiculous, stupid, and fun. I really hope that Sharlto Copley (the lead of District 9) gets picked up for more films because he is a fantastic actor. Toss in Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, and that guy that looks like Mr. T and you have a plan that has successfully come together.
The performances by everyone are fantastic and the film has a lot of interesting things going for it (incredible and mostly true plot, no clear protagonist or antagonist, spot-on directing) but I'm still a bit torn - especially on the ending. The final scene, in and of itself, was sheer brilliance but I just expected a little more.
Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and John Malkovich in a film based on a graphic novel about "Retired-Extremely-Dangerous" agents - need I really say more? While the film may not be as action-packed as some of its competitors, when the action hits, it hits friggen hard.
Yet another film based on a graphic novel, Kick-Ass is pretty much the cream of the crop. Everything from the dark and twisted humor to the mind-blowing action to the unforgettable characters and plot are top-notch. This is how you do a film based on a graphic novel.
I have no idea where "Illumination Entertainment" came from but they've certainly given both Dreamworks and Pixar a run for their money this year. Despicable Me is hilarious and heart-warming. It's the kind of movie you can watch over and over and still find funny every time.
Though Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon give incredibly fantastic performances in another classic Coen Brothers film it's really Hailee Steinfeld (the young female lead) who steals the show. I think the best thing about this film though is that it really does transport you to the old west and makes you care about these characters and isn't that what a film should do?
Every year I never cease to be amazed at how Pixar can craft a new story with such an emotional wallop all the while remaining hilarious, exciting, and animated. I think more than any film this year I've heard people say "that movie made me cry" before they feel the need to tack on "and it was a cartoon!" Toy Story is by far one of my favorite film series and I was not disappointed with its conclusion.
More than the terrific directing, the unbelievable special effects, the intriguing plot, and the brilliant dialogue I think it's the cast that makes Inception one of my favorite films of the year. Everyone from Gordon-Levitt, to Page, to DiCaprio, to Watanabe, and even to Murphy and Hardy play their parts perfectly. This is why people go to the movies.
I debated switching first and second on this list like a million times but I think Scott Pilgrim deserves this credit. Sure it's silly and crazy and way over the top and pretty much everything that Inception is not, but it's also truly like no other film I've seen. I've also never seen a movie that has captured the essence of its source material so well before. While it certainly had it's flaws, no other film this year was as entertaining and enjoyable as Scott Pilgrim was for me.
(But I digress, I'm being a conversation hog. What was your favorite movie? How many of these movies have you seen? Which ones did I forget that I should see? Please let me know. Thanks!)
No Knight and Day??? Lol
ReplyDeleteFirst off Scott Pilgrim FTW. Theres a few good ones you may have missed how about The Town? I also really enjoyed Repo Men but that wasn't for everyone. The exception that surprised me the most was Shutter Island which I thought was pretty great. Other than the inclusion of Prince of Persia I agree with most of your picks though, the ones i've had a chance to see anyway, nice post.
ReplyDeleteI've been meaning to see The Town but haven't gotten a chance yet. I did enjoy Repo Men and I enjoyed parts of Knight and Day but I dunno... I suppose I could've extended the list to 25.
ReplyDeleteAs for Shutter Island... it really should be on here. The acting and cinematography alone were fantastic - but for some reason I just wasn't a big fan. I know that makes no sense but oh well.