Monday, May 23, 2011

Top 5 Franchises Traveller's Tales Needs to Lego-ify

If you have somehow managed to never play a Traveller's Tales Lego video game before this point do yourself a favor and slap yourself across the face. After you're finished with that, go ahead and find a copy of Lego Star Wars or Lego Indiana Jones and get started. However, if you're like me and you can't get enough of the genius combination of everyone's favorite connectable bricks and movie series in video game form, then you've probably just played through Lego Pirates of the Caribbean and are wondering what Traveller's Tales has up their sleeve next. Well the answer to that question would of course be the second half of the Harry Potter series, which was officially announced not too long ago. But, considering the fact that the Lego game franchise has raked in millions of dollars, it would be very surprising if TT called in quits after that. So the question remains - after the likes of Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Batman, and Pirates of the Caribbean, where does a developer go next? After much consideration, here are my top five picks.

Top 5 Franchises Traveller's Tales Needs to Lego-ify Next

5: Jurassic Park
This isn't one of the actual sets released but a fan-made one instead. Still incredibly awesome though.
Likelihood: Unlikely
Why it fits: I'm going to kick off this list with a series that I feel often gets overlooked despite the fact that it is the only one on this list with flippin' VELOCIRAPTORS in it. I mean what more could you need? However, this is probably the oldest series on this list (by which I mean time since the last film was released) and while kids do love dinosaurs I don't know how child friendly it would be. Still, if they ever end up releasing that long-rumored Jurassic Park 4 it could be a great tie in and awesome world to explore. Surprisingly enough, Lego actually did release a short-lived couple of sets based on Jurassic Park 3 so it's not totally out of the question.

4: Toy Story
A toy based on a toy based on a toy? Toyception?
Likelihood: Possible
Why it fits: Though there is only three films in this critically acclaimed Pixar series and it is unlikely that there will be any more, there's no denying that there is some fantastic content here for a Lego game. There's plenty of action, tons of great characters, and a wonderful potential to revisit some iconic scenes through Lego's witty little mimed reenactments. Throw in the fact that Toy Story appeals to as wide an audience as the Lego games and toys and you have a match made in heaven. In fact, there are even Lego brand Toy Story sets already in production and Traveller's Tales has been at the helm of at least four Toy Story games already. The only reason this concept is unlikely is that the time for the game to be released has sadly already passed since there is no new film to tie in a release with.

3: Spider-man
Lego J.J. Jameson could possibly be the best thing ever.
Likelihood: Possible/Unlikely
Why it fits: Instead of basing this one on the film series, why not take the Lego Batman route and simply create a new series of levels for everyone's favorite web-head to swing through? Between potential side-kicks like Black Cat and a huge arsenal of interesting enemies I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to create some great brick-filled action. Like the previous two suggestions, there has actually been a few Spider-man Lego sets as well. And with The Amazing Spider-man (the new movie) on the horizon, this might be a franchise worth looking into.

2: X-Men
Incredible concept created by Dottie Cooke. Looks like I'm not the first to have this idea.
Likelihood: Very Unlikely
Why it fits: I know, I know, this list is starting to look a little Marvel super-hero centric isn't it - but hear me out. If one of the main criterion for the Lego video games is that there be plenty of characters, then what series is a better fit than X-men I ask you? (Not to mention the other criterion of always having two characters would be ideal as well.) With First Class hitting theaters next month and four films already included in the franchise there's plenty of content here to make some great games and to add some interesting new mechanics. Despite this being a perfect fit, in theory, it seems unlikely to me that Marvel and 20th Century Fox would both consent to this and that Traveller's Tales would even go for it. If they somehow did though, they'd better include a wolverine mini-figure for pre-orders, bub.

1: Lord of the Rings
You have my sword. And my bow. And my tiny plastic axe.

Likelihood: Likely
Why it fits: It doesn't take a genius to see that Lord of the Rings would be the best fit for the Lego video game franchise to head at this point. Not only does it fit in line perfectly with the type of film series Traveller's Tales have chosen so far but since Jackson is finally at work on The Hobbit, it seems like the perfect time to capitalize on the franchise. The wealth of characters, places, memorable scenes, and just about everything else a Lego video game needs is more present here than in the other film series suggested. While there may not be any Lord of the Rings Lego sets in production yet, TT has worked on an LOTR game before (Aragorn's Quest), and I'm sure Lego would love to capitalize on the potential here as well. All of this has lead to rumors that Lord of the Rings may in fact be TT's next project.

What would be your top pick for Traveller's Tales to Lego-ify? Let me know below in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. Oh.. well.. I heard they are doing a new lego game called Lego City Stories, basically a copy of Grand Theft Auto, lego style. However, there is also new superhero lego minifigures being released in 2012, such as Thor, Wolverine, Hulk, Iron Man, more Batman sets, more Spider-Man sets based on "The Amazing Spider-Man" movie in 2012, it's pretty action packed for Lego in 2012. Clearly there will be some sort of "The Avengers" TT lego version game, or Spider-Man, the onle other I would consider a possibility for 2013 and on would be LOTR.
