Thursday, December 23, 2010

Top 10 Albums of 2010

The Top 10 Albums of 2010

I don't claim to be a musical entrepreneur nor do I claim to really know anything about the technically good qualities of an album but I do enjoy music of many genres and listen to a fair amount of songs every day. That being said, feel free to mock, laugh, agree - pretty much whatever you please - with the following 10 albums that were my personal favorites of the year.

11: Lights - Acoustic EP

I know, I know, an EP is probably not technically an album and that is the reason it's at number eleven. Regardless of this fact, however, I absolutely love these five songs and have listened to them numerous times in the past six months. If you haven't heard of Lights, or have only heard her debut album, I highly suggest you try out her acoustic EP, as it is fantastic!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dead Ringer

Hello everyone. Guess what? I'm finished finals! Hurray! To celebrate I thought I'd post the short story I wrote a few days ago for my Context of Writing class. Please let me know what you think. Enjoy!

Dead Ringer
            The cool night air hung deeply upon the grounds of the graveyard as Don solemnly marched along. The heavy flashlight shook slightly in his old wrinkled palms. At the age of 68, the spring in his step had long faded and his nearly twenty years of maintenance and security at West Portland Cemetery had recently begun to wear on him. The job was indeed a quiet one, and old Don Macabre enjoyed working in the fresh air, but the recent passing of his son Dennis had been incredibly difficult on him. As he drew nearer to his son’s grave he grimaced and paused for a moment to take a deep breath. A dark movement entered the periphery of his vision and he turned to see the silhouette of a man a few yards away.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Filmography 2010

Hey everyone,
So I mentioned in my last post that I'd be working on year end lists for movies, games and possibly more. Well I've compiled a couple lists that still need some work (and I'm waiting to see a couple more movies before I decide) but in the mean time, to get you excited let's take a look at this incredibly awesome youtube video of the movies of 2010. Enjoy!

Also, in case you're curious the editor and creator of this incredible video has compiled a neat list of all the films used in this short video here. So what was your favorite film? Top ten?
~Ben Gentry

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Poetry Portfolio 2: Rhetoric Strikes Back

Hey everyone,
So I have a few minutes before class and I realized I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd go ahead and add some more poems since the first blog post got so many hits. Also, expect the year in review lists for music, video games, movies and possibly more to begin soon (especially since I'll be finished classes pretty soon).

So without further ado, here's a handful more of poems I've written. Let me know what you think.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Turn on the LIGHTS

Hey everyone, just a quick little update today because I'm waiting for a class to start and I have a bit of free time with my laptop.

So what's new? Let's see... well exams are coming up so I guess that's exciting or whathaveyou. Oh I'm also 3 seasons into Eureka (Syfy original) thanks to Netflix and I have to say it's pretty great (why else would I watch 3 seasons?). If you've never heard of it, it's a bit like Fringe meets Psych... weird science experiments but more light-hearted and funny. If that sound interesting I would definitely suggest it - oh and don't worry it's nothing like the Syfy original movies. (<- That link has hilarious but graphic content).

What else? Well I've still been playing Black Ops, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and a handful of other games. I might write up some reviews on those as well if I get enough hits and comments on the Kirby one (or if I'm just bored).

As far as the rest of life goes nothing too exciting, but by now you're probably pretty confused about the title of this blog so I'll explain it simply: Valerie "LIGHTS" Poxleitner is the most adorable human being on the face of the planet AND she's a fantastic musician AND she's from Toronto, Canada. So I'm pretty sure I'm in love.

If you haven't heard of her you need to listen and watch below.

And here is LIGHTS being ridiculously cute.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Kirby's Epic Yarn - Review

Just in case you missed my earlier blogs about my feelings toward Nintendo let me preface this review with a brief summary. I grew up with and love Nintendo. However, like many gamers, I felt jilted by the casual market the Wii and DS were (and are) directed toward. While I remain supportive of Nintendo and will heatedly argue that the company still makes some of the best games and consoles out there I am not an advocate of motion gaming or a waggle enthusiast of any kind.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Poetry Portfolio

So I realized I haven't really posted too much of my actual writing on this blog yet and thought that I'd randomly choose tonight to do so (that way I also keep it from going another week without a post). Just a quick little update and brief overview before I get to copying and pasting below.

Firstly, I finally completely beat Kirby's Epic Yarn (100% completion... w00t) and I have to say that it is quite fantastic. I have fallen in love with the soundtrack and spent a large amount of time trying to find it to put on my iPod yesterday.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Yikes, it's been over a week since I posted anything. I definitely apologize for that. To be honest I haven't really been on my computer much lately - other than to write papers and such for classes of course. I think most of my computer time has morphed into Netflix and gaming time. Which is a good segue into what I've been watching and playing I suppose.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Black Ops Declassified - Treyarch Actually Did It!

Early Concept Art for Treyarch's Latest
Following up on my previous blog post "I Hear the Call" I have to say it's official: Treyarch has finally grown up into a legitimately awesome video game developer. I've put a solid 12 hours or so into Black Ops already and I have to say that they did a fantastic job at both balancing and reinvigorating an already superb multiplayer experience. Modern Warfare 2 was and is still a great game but it faltered in many ways as I believe I mentioned previously. This missteps seem to have been carefully analyzed and repaired in almost every way in Black Ops. Maybe I'm just still caught up in the hype, but the amount of content - the ridiculously customizable options, numerous stats/charts/ratios, and sheer amount of weaponry - have blown me away. Most important of all though - its actually fun.