Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lousy Smarch Weather

So here I am again with another Simpsons reference (in case you missed it) because I feel like it pretty much sums up what's been going on here in New Hampshire - lots and lots of snow and rain. Luckily my school hasn't been canceled despite me wishing as hard as I can x_.x. But hey it's March 1st, that's exciting right? I thought I'd just do a quick little update/blog post. I guess the first thing I should talk about is the Academy Awards (and thanks to everyone who came over and watched them - I had a great night!). So I have to say it was probably one of the most unsurprising Oscars I have seen. The King's Speech pretty much swept as everyone expected it to. It was, however, nice to see Inception win best Cinematography (and rightly so). Not too much else to say here really other than the obvious about Hailee Steinfeld being robbed (even though I knew it was going to happen it doesn't make it any less annoying).

So I haven't really talked much about video games in a while and I feel like I need to remedy that - so all you non-gamers can feel free to skip this paragraph or two. Lately I've been playing a lot of PS3 actually. Aside from maybe once or twice I haven't really turned on my X-Box 360 in close to a month now - and I'm happy to say it. While I still feel like Microsoft's box and its controller are best for FPSs, I have to say that I absolutely love the Playstation Move control for Killzone 3. I love it so much, in fact, that despite my originally canceling my pre-order on Killzone 3 (due to still feeling the controls are sluggish and slow - though, to be fair - incredibly realistic feeling) I felt compelled to trade in Marvel vs Capcom 3 so that I could pick up a copy (skip to next paragraph if appalled). This is not to say that the motion controls are perfect - they definitely take some getting used to - but it's just so much easier to quickly point and shoot. The plethora of options available to tweak sensitivity and gameplay with the Move is also very nice and should be noted by all developers who look to implement motion controls.

I'm sure my trading in Marvel vs Capcom 3 so quickly must appall many of you and it probably paints me as a crummy Marvel fan but as much as I absolutely LOVED the way Capcom handled the characters and tiny nuances of their respective worlds I just really suck at inputting long quarter-turn-filled combos. My favorite fighting game is, and will always be, Super Smash Bros because the simplicity of control allows for more strategic gameplay and mini-mind-games with rivals. Obviously this is my opinion and I would easily recommend MvC3 to any fighting game fan. However,  the one area I was immensely disappointed in, that factored into my trading the game in, was the downright laziness of the character endings. With such a mind-blowingly epic opening cinematic I was disheartened to get a pathetic two image comic panel with text beneath it when I completed the game with Spider-man (SUPER LAME SPOILERS!). I know there's a pretty full roster here but, to me, half the fun of fighting games is unlocking character endings. I'm not saying fighting games need a story, really, but why even include a single player arcade mode if there's no reward to beating it?

...And since this blog is getting a bit long I think I'm going to go ahead and wrap things up so I can squeeze in a episode of Castle (I'll mention more about that later) before I head off to bed. Apart from school and work there hasn't been anything overly exciting going on here - ooh other than the advent of spring break happening next week! I wish I had the money to drive up to Montreal again but I think I'm just going to end up enjoying a break from classes and schoolwork (and of course playing Pokemon White).

I hope you're all having a great winter despite the weather. Stay tuned for more blogs to come - I may even do a game review or two since I do have that free time next week. Oops, I hear Nathan Fillion calling me to help solve murders with writer's wit and boyish attitude.

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